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Great Gift Ideas for Your Nanny

Rohini Mohan
A good nanny is a blessing for busy parents who wish to make sure that their children are placed in safe hands, are loved, protected, and well looked after. Find out some great gifts that can be given to appreciate this lovely nanny of the family.
May 10th is celebrated as Child Care Provider Appreciation Day, all over the United States.
For all the efforts put in by a nanny to provide a conducive environment for children to grow up, much of her hard work remains unrewarded in terms of the salary she is given.
Most parents try to pay the nanny as much as they can, while keeping their own financial situation in mind. That being said, showing your appreciation to your nanny need not always be monetary. While it is a tradition to pay a bonus during the festive season, there is no harm in giving her a gift just because you feel like it.
After all, she is an integral and a very important part of the family, and the one who is responsible for looking after your children. Even words of appreciation and small gestures of affection can go a long way in strengthening the relationship between the nanny and your family. Here are some great gift ideas for your nanny.

Best Presents for Your Nanny

A Bonus is Always Better

Typically, 1 to 2 week bonus is given to the nanny during the festive season. Some go a step further by giving a month's bonus.
However, apart from the predictable holiday bonus, it would be nice if you could give her smaller bonuses every few months, just to let her know how much you appreciate her dedication towards your children. You could give her a cash gift on the anniversary of her joining your family.

Give Some Paid Days Off

Whether paid leaves are a part of the nanny contract or not, a few days of paid leave would be always welcomed by your nanny.
Since she must rarely be getting time for herself or for her own family, giving her a few days off from work would be a wonderful thing to do. You could also arrange a small vacation for her, wherein all her basic expenses are paid for.
Opt for a place that matches her interests. For instance, if the nanny enjoys art and community festivals, you could send her off to one in the coming months.

Buy Her Plane Tickets

If your nanny has been planning to visit her family or going for a concert across states, you could help reduce her financial burden by buying the flight tickets for her.
If you have frequent flying miles on your name, you could let her use that as well. Buying tickets for one way is more than enough as well. It is the gesture that counts and not how much you're spending on her.

Get Her a Health Insurance

If the nanny does not have a health insurance, or the existing one does not provide enough protection, you could get her a good insurance. You could also help her financially, by paying the premium for a few months or a whole year.
If the current employment contract of the nanny does not offer health care, you may even consider adding that feature to her contract.

Give Gift Certificates and Entertainment Tickets

An ideal gift for all occasions is to get the nanny gift certificates. She can go to restaurants with her friend, or shop for groceries, clothes, and accessories. You can gift her discount coupons for stores that have ongoing sales.
Buying her tickets for movies, concerts, plays, or sporting events that she has been wanting to go to, is another nice gift to consider. Getting her vouchers for a massage and spa therapy would be an ideal gesture for a nanny who has been showing signs of fatigue or simply needs to unwind for once.

Get Her a Membership of Her Choice

Depending on the hobbies of the nanny, you could buy her a membership. For instance, if she enjoys working out at the gym, you could get her a membership in a gym that is near her or your home.
If she likes reading, you get her a membership in an actual bookstore or an online one. Some yoga and pilates classes require a membership, for which you can either contribute partly or pay for all the classes for your nanny.

Reimburse for Her Classes

You could go in for prepaid classes, if the nanny wishes to pursue higher education or enroll for hobby classes, such as baking, dancing, or martial arts.
You could also buy her the tickets for attending a seminar or training on childcare that she has been desiring to attend. Any added qualification that increases the nanny's job efficiency and future employment opportunities will be greatly appreciated by her.

Gift Family Keepsakes

No amount of cash gifts, certificates, or vouchers can replace the magic of handmade gifts. The effort, love, and time put into making such gifts cannot be summed up in words.
Get your kids to paint something with crayons or make handprints, which can be placed in a frame and gifted to the nanny. A handmade thank you card from the kids and parents is guaranteed to make your nanny feel loved and cared for.

Electronic Gadgets for the Nanny

If a phone is a part of the nanny's contract, then upgrade her old phone by buying her a new smartphone, so that she can keep her schedule and appointments in check.
Get her a Kindle and a subscription for downloadable ebooks, if she loves reading and is always on the hunt for new books for your kids as well as for herself. Get her gym gadgets or a new music player, so that she can listen to music as she goes for her early morning run.

Give Daily Gifts of Gratitude

Make it a point to tell her how much it means to you, to have her as a nanny. Have your kids say thank you to her often. Whenever possible, take your children and the nanny out, to the zoo, mall, and to restaurants for lunch.
Let her know that she is an excellent professional, and has been doing a great job at being a nanny to your children.
The better you treat your nanny and acknowledge the values she brings to your family, the greater is the likelihood of her being retained as an employee.